Politics & Peeves With Jeffrey B
Politics & Peeves With Jeffrey B
Episode #3 - Politics & Science - Dan Walsh
This episode i s a great topic of politics & science or the lack there of. Dan and I chatted about science and the current administration, psychology in regards to why factions/groups take on a certain "uniformed" tack on a subject, social media, regular media, climate change, COVID-19. It was a fascinating topic with much information and interesting facts. Dan was a great person to have on this topic. I think and hope you enjoy listening to him as much as I did. Amazes me that a crayon eating Marine is so smart! As always please write me if you have any questions or comments you want to leave for Dan or myself.
***** Dan realized that he mixed some #’s up and wanted to clarify:
Also, I later realized during the show (but forgot to get back to it) is I mixed up some statistics in my head. 90-something percent of climate doubt does not come from conservatives. It is predominantly from right-leaning folks. I got this figure mixed up--I apologize. Per Gallup (2019), 41% of conservatives are cool skeptics, 35% "mixed middle," and 25% are "concerned believers." Among moderates, 11% are "cool skeptics," 33% "mixed middle" and 56% are "concerned believers." Among liberals, 1% are "cool skeptics," 18% are "mixed middle," and 81% are concerned believers." (link in the comments). Of those polled in this study, 397 were conservative, 235 moderate, and 267 were liberal. This means that among the "cool skeptics" about 80% are conservative. My bad. Source: https://news.gallup.com/poll/248027/americans-concerned-ever-global-warming.aspx