Politics & Peeves With Jeffrey B
A place for political and life interviews of experts in their fields as well as everyday people who want to be heard. To create a dialog on topics that are happening now, with respect to one another's views. To provide a platform were we can discuss amiably different opinions and thoughts. And along this journey we will have some “feel good” stories and interviews about the good things that are happening around the globe and of course a little fun and laughter, because laughter IS the best medicine!
Politics & Peeves With Jeffrey B
Tanya Hawkins & Homeless Vets
Tanya Hawkins of Gung Ho Ministries talks with me about her organizations helping local Veterans. From giving out sandwiches to helping Vets get housing. Her boutiques business, cash donations, clothing donations, how it all comes together. Wait until you hear how much her little charity has donated, amazing! She is some happy and bubbly it's infectious. We even got some politics in there based on the homeless topic as well. I hope you find some useful information to use in your city to help your homeless Vets. NO VETS should be homeless!Do what you can to help, via financial or volunteer.